D. Sutton Landscaping LLC

by Dave Sutton January 30, 2014

Updating your landscape is a great way to bring extra beauty and value to your home. But a new look also doesn’t mean an empty pocketbook with the right planning.
You can begin by taking a serious look at your landscape needs. What works in your current landscape? How do you plan on using the area in the future? Can you work within your budget? Having a one, two or three […]

Categories: Blog

by Dave Sutton May 2, 2013

Often we think trees will grow on their own during our travels through hills, mountains and local parks. But a lot of care goes into our native trees grown locally in our yards and public places.
For example, wet conditions in your yards may not work for any tree. A tree not suitable for wet soils can get disease or slow down it’s growth over time. The correct trees need to […]

Categories: Blog

by Dave Sutton February 25, 2013

Surface water from yearly rains can cause foundation and yard problems if not corrected over time. Make sure all your downspout connections are secure and leading away from your foundation. If there is slight slope towards your foundation, water may seep back and cause ground, basement floor and moisture issues in your house.
If you cannot lead the downspout away from the house, add soil and grade properly or install and […]

Categories: Blog